Selling. Nothing happens in business without it. Selling is the life blood of any business. Without selling there is no business. The skill with which you negotiate a sale or deal will determine your success level. Selling and Negotiating do not just happen. It is a learned skill. An Art. Selling-Negotiating-Winning is a 2 hour Workshop taught by Business veteran and Master Negotiator J.T. Stewart.
SNW will help each person who is in Business to Master their craft. This class will help you get what you what…..while helping others. WIN-WIN is the goal. Learn to incorporate SNW into your everyday life. Learn the subtle art of how to put win-win deals together that are big and small.
Things you will learn from JT Stewart:
- How to phrase sentences that invite a yes
- How to use your body language to lead
- Strategies that keep you on top of the game
- Learn how to overcome objections
- Setting the table for Negotiations
- Learn the importance of asking questions
- Using Gambits to never lose out
- How to understand your opponent
- Using your voice to paint word pictures
- Understanding emotions
- Answering questions to your advantage
- The value of silence
If you were a lumberjack you would not use a dull ax to chop trees down would you? Why not sharpen your skills so that you can easily cut down the money tree and have a better life?
If you and your team are not getting better….You can bet that your competition is. Do you want to win? Call for a no obligation consultation.
937-430-3746 or email at